Trauma Informed Approaches for Tribal Justice Practitioners

This video series provides an overview of how tribal justice practitioners can use trauma informed approaches to support individuals in their justice systems.  Click here for the companion publication.  This is video 1 of 5: Introduction to Trauma in Tribal Justice...

NAICJA’s 50th Anniversary

This week marks our 50th anniversary! Join us for a special 50th anniversary celebration at the annual NAICJA Conference October 16-18. Visit Download our logo announcement.

The Red Hook Peacemaking Program

Peacemaking is a traditional Native American approach to justice that focuses on healing and restoration rather than punishment. This video shares the experiences of those involved in an experiment at the Red Hook Community Justice Center to adapt peacemaking to a...

Kake Circle Peacemaking

The Kake Circle Peacemaking Program incorporates Tlingit culture into the justice system in the Organized Village of Kake, Alaska. Using a traditional circle peacemaking approach, the program seeks to address the underlying issues that lead to crime and conflict....

A Day at Puyallup GREAT Camp

The Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program is an evidence-based violence prevention curriculum that brings law enforcement officers into the classroom to work with students. The Puyallup Tribe of Indians first implemented the G.R.E.A.T. Program in...