States in the Southwest region include Arizona and New Mexico. This region includes deserts, high deserts lands, and pine forests. This region contains a diverse range of tribes from border tribes to pueblos and many of the tribes in this region had a history of interaction with Spanish settlers and colonialists. Tribes in this region are diverse in their justice system responses.
Pascua Yaqui Tribe Violence Against Women Act Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction
The Pascua Yaqui Tribe,was one of three initial tribes selected by the U.S. Department of Justice to pilot enhanced criminal court jurisdiction pursuant to the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013. This law vested tribes with the authority, subject to certain conditions, to arrest, and prosecute non-Indians who commit certain domestic violence crimes within their territory.
Pueblo of Pojoaque Service Trained Courthouse Facility Dog
The Pueblo of Pojoaque Tribal Court is the first Tribal Court in the nation to use a court house facility dog as part of the court team.
Albuquerque Metro Urban Healing to Wellness Court
In this podcast, we are speaking with Judge Maria Dominguez about the Urban Healing to Wellness Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Judge Dominguez is a judge for the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court and she also runs the Urban Healing to Wellness Court.