Get information about how tribes are using jail-based programs and reentry to help individuals address underlying criminogenic needs and connect them to services to help them prepare for a successful transition back into life in the community.
Muskogee Creek Program
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Reintegration Program provides intensive case management and reentry services to tribal members who have been incarcerated. When clients are released from custody, the program provides financial assistance for basic needs such as housing, clothing, and groceries, and offers long-term support through educational, vocational, and legal services.
Flathead Reservation Reentry Program
The Flathead Reservation and Reentry Program (FRRP) helps incarcerated Tribal members reenter to the Flathead Reservation. The program offers a variety of services including work placement, applications for social security and other benefits, individual case management, access to a clinical psychologist and an attorney to help with the collateral consequences of incarceration, and cultural mentoring that works to reconnect clients with their tribal community.
CTCR Offender Reentry Program
This grant-funded program ensures the continuation of the Offender Reentry Program at the Chehalis Tribal Jail. The reentry program offers a range of holistic services and classes, such as behavioral health, education and cultural traditions to interested Native American inmates in the Chehalis tribal jail, regardless of tribal affiliation. Additionally, the program offers after-care services, to help the inmate gain stability and successfully renter their community upon release.
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